scritto dacommento

gli 10 ottobre 2020
X( Tu as raison, c’est encore pire, maintenant c’est 15 vote de plus !!! X(

Je vais prendre le risque de participer à des concours bientôt, dans une semaine
Juste pour les notes de 5/5 pas pour gagner.....

gli 27 settembre 2020
поздравляю в этом
конкурсе "Doux champagne" призёров :( с фальшивой победой :(:(

gli 11 settembre 2020
конкурс "Thé d'automne" сплошная фальшь X(-

gli 6 settembre 2020
Encore des tricheurs.....X( Les filtres adultes ne servent à rien ! Ici il y presque pas d’enfants ! X(-

gli 2 settembre 2020
опять завистницы сместили меня с 1 места , я для себя победитель

gli 31 agosto 2020
полностью согласна с Эдвардом ! и мне включили фильтр +18 здесь X(-

gli 31 agosto 2020
:-S in addition, mods put filters +18 completely unfounded X( :(( someone may have a deep cleavage, bare thighs, shoulders, and so on, the moderator puts a +18 filter :(( for this X(

gli 28 agosto 2020
Pozdrav ovdje samo za druženje, a ne za varanje
žao mi je

gli 28 agosto 2020
;;) Hi =; Alexandra ! most likely that mysterious observer from the outside is Maud. >:) It is absurd to have 15 profiles and posts, participants vote for their favorite works and this spurs to make the best pictures, I am happy for those who honestly.-

gli 28 agosto 2020
Je sais également que certains trichent volontairement :(
Bonne chance à ceux qui participent aux concours malgré les tricheurs

gli 27 agosto 2020
I wish you found it so late.
Now you know why I don't take
there are those who deceive themselves and those who manipulate
all of these. It's sad! :( As you can see, it's not fun for everyone.

gli 27 agosto 2020
how inventive people must be to be :-/ :-/ false at the same time :-S :-S I still believe in decency B-) I fly in the clouds #:-S#:-S#:-S-

gli 27 agosto 2020
On peut utiliser des emails jetables pour créer pleins de pense que c’est les gens qui créer plusieurs comptes
En tout cas, il faut mieux arrêter les concours avant que les gens pensent qu'ils trichent...

gli 27 agosto 2020
Everyone can have as many profiles as they want... one for each email address you can make... 🤦‍♀️-

gli 27 agosto 2020
>:D< hi Alessandra I have a suspicion that moderators :-/ put up to 15 fakes, :-S a real participant can not have so many duplicate profiles #:-S moderators rule here, here is an example of why the filter is +18

gli 26 agosto 2020
και εγώ έχω
χρόνια τώρα!!!

gli 26 agosto 2020
This is happening all the time. I withdrew from the competitions for this very reason. I don't care about winning with fake votes, and I'm more than sure Anny, Kris, etc. feel the same. I'm just glad I wasn't in that contest since I was on holiday.-

gli 26 agosto 2020
спасибо Лиза за отзыв! неужели по 10 фальшивых страниц :-/ :-/ я в шоке :-S #:-S-

gli 23 agosto 2020
Tout à fait d'accord avec Orabel. C’est pour ça que j’ai arrêté de participer aux concours....c’est du grand n’importe quoi. Les gens s’amusent à tricher aux concours....:(-

gli 22 agosto 2020
discutons ! ;) let's discuss-